Cleaning Metal Panels Part 2: Quick Tips to Consider

In a recent blog post, we reviewed how regularly cleaning metal panels helps maintain their integrity and aesthetics. Now that you know the importance of this activity, we’re sharing some tips for cleaning metal panels to consider.

ABC Blog: Cleaning Metal Panels Part 2: Quick Tips to Consider


These tips for cleaning metal panels are based on general circumstances and get progressively more detailed for tougher jobs. They should not supersede and are not a replacement of the any metal panel manufacturer’s instructions or warranty requirements, including those provided by American Building Components.

Light Cleaning: 

For simple cleaning, water and mild detergent is often sufficient. However, never use bleach, as it can change the finish color or interact disastrously with certain metals.

Moderate Cleaning: 

For dirt or other deposits that can’t be removed with water alone and require a more complete cleaning, a solution of hot or cold water mixed with detergent is appropriate. An ideal solution is the mixture of 95 percent water with 5 percent of a mild, commonly-used, commercial (non-industrial, non-bleach) dish or laundry detergent added. Diluting the detergent with the water helps ensure the detergent isn’t too strong and doesn’t negatively affect the painted metal surface. Common cleaners for this type of cleaning can include:

  • Mild laundry detergent
  • Car wash soap
  • Mild dish soap
  • Cold or hot commercial/industrial detergents
Deep Cleaning:

For non-water-soluble residue such as tar, tree sap, grease, oil and adhesives, a solvent or alcohol-based cleaning solution may be required. In this case—since most organic solvents are flammable and/or toxic—handle these according to the cleaner and manufacturer instructions.

Generally, it’s advisable to keep them away from open flames, sparks and electrical motors. Use adequate ventilation, protective clothing and goggles, and—of course—read the manufacturer’s Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for any solvent used for any other specific safety details.

Common cleaners for this type of non-water-soluble cleaning often include:

  • Alcohols:
    • Denatured alcohol (ethanol)
    • Isopropyl (rubbing alcohol)
  • Solvents:
    • VM&P Naptha
    • Mineral Spirits
    • Kerosene
    • Turpentine (wood/gum spirits)


It’s important to avoid using products and tools not recommended by the panel manufacturer that will scrape or grind down the surface coating and leave scratches or other finish damage when cleaning metal panels. This can eventually wear down the finish and leave panels vulnerable to corrosion. Likewise, any misuse or abuse of acceptable cleaning agents will likely automatically void any manufacturer’s warranty for the affected surfaces.

Regardless of the level of cleaning that needs to be done, there are some products and tools that are likely never ideal for use on coated metal panels. These include:

  • Wire brushes
  • Abrasives
  • Steel wool
  • Sandpaper
  • High-pressure power washers
  • Scouring powders
  • Paint removers
  • Paint thinners

In conclusion, while the considerations above can help give you and your customers an idea of options available when cleaning metal panels, the importance of understanding and following the specific product manufacturer’s metal panel cleaning instructions can’t be overstated. As a result of diligently following all official instructions and considering these tips, your customers can avoid panel corrosion, staining or other surface damage and retain the integrity and beauty of the metal panel finish.

To learn more about metal panel cleaning, finishes and warranties, contact your local ABC representative.

Cleaning Metal Panels – Part 1: Why it Matters

Metal roof and wall panels often feature long-lasting and durable finishes available in many colors. These finishes protect the panels and enable them to hold up and look great for decades. However, to maintain their durability and protective properties, cleaning metal panels should be done regularly throughout their service life.

ABC Blog: Cleaning Metal Panels


Ensure Panel Longevity:

Dirt and residue left on metal panels can damage their protective coating and decrease the longevity of roof and/or wall systems. Likewise, bacteria and mold and mildew build-up can accelerate corrosion to the point where the structural integrity of the panels is compromised.

Protect Panel Appearance:

Stains and algae/lime deposits left on panels for long periods of time can degrade the roof finish to the point where it must be re-coated. Note: re-coating should only be considered if the panels are still structurally sound and doing so wouldn’t void the manufacturer warranty.

Control Energy Costs:

Dirty roof panels can inhibit a roof’s ability to expel heat from a building. If the heat isn’t able to escape through the roof, it can require increases in energy costs to keep the building cool.


An annual cleaning helps keep your metal panels free of tree and animal debris, moss, fungus and other finish-jeopardizing elements. Deep cleaning metal panels only typically needs to be done every 3-5 years, depending on the building conditions and location. This type of cleaning uses stronger detergents that cut through some of the toughest dirt and grime that annual cleans can miss. This includes substances such as tree sap, oxidation and other hard-to-remove substances that often collect on panel surfaces. You may also consider moderate cleaning following weather events and seasonal allergen build-up.


Above all, follow the panel manufacturer’s recommendations when it comes to selecting who will perform panel cleaning on your building. Before you attempt to clean your metal panels yourself, be sure the product manufacturer recommends it and doing so doesn’t void any warranties.

A professional building surface cleaning company can be helpful as working on top of buildings can pose real safety risks. Your metal panel manufacturer may be able to recommend cleaning professionals who are familiar with their products and warranty requirements, and are practiced in using the correct cleaning solutions and techniques necessary to preserve your metal panels.


Metal panel manufacturers usually provide maintenance and cleaning instructions specific to their products, which should always be followed. Manufacturers know the composition of their products and, therefore, which chemical cleaning solutions and techniques are ideal and which will degrade the panels. Neglecting to clean them—or doing so improperly—can compromise the integrity of the finish. Not only can this threaten the visual appeal of the panels, it can also put you at risk of voiding the panel warranty.

To learn more about the importance of cleaning metal panels, contact your local ABC representative or check out our blog post on metal panel maintenance.

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Maintaining, Cleaning & Repairing Metal Panels

Understanding the maintenance requirements of your metal panels is essential to maximizing the longevity of your investment with the least amount of hassle. While metal panels have been engineered to provide decades of trouble-free protection, they can suffer damage from the build-up of debris as well as storm-related traumas like hail stones, falling branches and ice dams. To extend the lifespan and strength of metal panels, maintenance consists mostly of preventing and correcting these issues.

metal roofing maintenance tips

 The importance of regular inspections

Regular inspections are critical to identifying damaged panels and accumulated debris that can trap moisture, causing corrosion over time. To prevent this, a visual inspection should be performed in the spring and the fall of each year, as well as after major weather events to identify issues. Take a walk around the structure and look for leaves, branches and other debris piled up on the roof, including in valleys, gutters and downspouts, as well as behind chimneys and/or other protrusions. While you can perform this type of inspection yourself, please keep in mind that metal panels—particularly metal roofs—should be professionally inspected every four to five years depending on your geographic location. If you live in a coastal or humid area more prone to corrosion and rust, professional inspections should be done more frequently to prevent the rust from spreading and causing structural damage to the panels.

In addition to debris, keep an eye out for scratched or dented areas, as well as for loose screws and seams that look like they are separating. (If you can’t make out the details from the ground, try using a pair of binoculars.). Use the manufacturer’s recommended touch-up paint to correct scratches as they can quickly degrade the surface protection and jeopardize the longevity of metal panels. If the panels have separating seams or holes, first check to see if the repair is partly or fully covered by your warranty. Unless you are experienced in metal roof repair and possess a thorough knowledge of the products and techniques that can be used without voiding the warranty, it is recommended that you engage a metal panel repair specialist to make the repairs. If you decide to undertake the work yourself, it is also important to remember that these fixes are, at best, temporary and should be addressed by a professional recommended by the metal panel manufacturer.

Cleaning metal panels

Keeping metal panels clean is one of the best ways to ensure they last as long as possible. When cleaning metal roofs and walls, using a non-pressure cleaning method with detergents recommended by the metal panel manufacturer is ideal. It is not advisable to use metal tools such as rakes to remove debris. This is likely to scratch the paint, reducing the panels protection from the elements and other damaging factors. Using a leaf blower to remove debris is a common choice, but a long-handled push-broom or a telescoping pole with a window cleaning brush will also do the job. Ideally, the tool should be one that lets you do the removal from the ground, but if you absolutely must walk on the roof then only step on the flat areas. If there are areas you can’t access yourself—particularly slanted areas that have been made slippery with cleaning solutions—hiring a professional service to do this once or twice a year is the safest option.

To reduce the chance of further damage and keep your panels cleaner over longer periods of time, trim tree branches as far back from the building as possible. This is especially important for large, unhealthy branches that could break off during high winds and cause damage.

Proper snow removal

There are—of course—considerations that must be made for metal buildings located in colder climates. After a winter storm, it’s a good idea to remove standing snow from the roof. This is doubly important on older homes where poor attic insulation can lead to ice dams. An ice dam forms when heat escaping from inside the attic warms the roof and melts the bottom layer of snow. The snowmelt then re-freezes, creating a dam that traps water which can work its way into seams between panels and around flashings.

Warranty considerations

It’s always smart to reference the metal panel manufacturer’s warranty to be sure you don’t use any products or tools that will void your warranty. They should also provide instructions and advice specific to the panels and application(s) you’ve selected to ensure you get the most out of their products with the least hassle.

For more information on metal panels, check out ABC’s FAQ page. For more on our metal panels and accessories, please visit our product pages or contact your local representative today.