Benefits of Metal Panels for Agricultural Buildings

Metal panels are ideal for agricultural buildings, including those that house livestock, such as cattle, hogs and poultry. They’re durable and offer flexibility in design so you can create an agricultural building that is functional and aesthetically pleasing. Read below to learn more about the benefits of choosing metal panels and special considerations for animal confinement.

Why do so many agricultural buildings use metal panels?

  • Durability: Metal panels are designed for durability. They can withstand high winds and heavy snowfall. They’re also hail resistant, featuring a class 4 rating. Unlike wood, metal panels are resistant to damage from termites and other insects. Metal is also noncombustible.
  • Longevity: Metal panels last three to four times longer—up to 60 years. Unlike corrugated fiberglass panels, metal doesn’t get brittle after years in the sun.
  • Cost Savings: Metal is a much more cost-effective material than wood because it doesn’t need to be replaced as often. The durable design of metal panels also saves money on maintenance.
  • Sustainability: Our metal panels are made from recycled materials. They’re also 100% recyclable at the end of your building’s life. Choose from a variety of cool roofing colors that are designed to reflect the sun’s heat instead of absorbing it into your agricultural building.
  • Ease of Installation: Metal panels can be cut to the nearest 1/4 of an inch for easy installation. Most panels offer three feet of coverage which is more time-efficient than pounding out shingles.
  • Design Flexibility: There are a variety of options to choose from when it comes to metal panels. We offer a broad selection of styles, profiles, colors and finishes.

The common panel profile used for this application is Imperial Rib® . It’s designed for durability with two minor ribs which give it strength. It’s also formed with a round top which pushes away moisture.

Metal Panels for Livestock Shelters

Animal confinement imposes specific challenges on panels that aren’t required considerations for residential or commercial uses.

When considering metal panels for a barn or other animal enclosure, here is what you should keep in mind.

What makes animal housing such a challenge?

Animal waste has high ammonia content that can start to corrode metal in as little as five years. With roofs, this corrosion is fueled by airborne fumes; on walls, the culprit is manure or dirt lying against the panels for extended periods. You can minimize both problems with good ventilation and regular maintenance, including keeping the panels clean and immediately repairing any damage.

Important Considerations

  • Panel Coatings: More people are opting for Galvalume panels for their livestock housing projects than ever before. And while Galvanized panels perform better than Galvalume in high-ammonia environments such as hog confinement, Galvanized panels are susceptible to white rust (chalking) if exposed to water prior to installation, which is not an issue with Galvalume panels.

For this reason, many are pairing Galvalume panels with a protective, self-adhesive moisture barrier like ABC’s Drip Stop product, which is applied to the panel’s interior before it is roll-formed. This membrane absorbs moisture when relative humidity (RH) is high, and then releases it back into the atmosphere when the RH falls, thereby preventing the damaging moisture from directly touching the panels. For hog or cattle barns, where dirt and manure tend to pile up against walls, another protective option is to install a polycarbonate panel on the inside of the metal wall panel to reduce contact, making the metal panels easier to keep clean.

No matter which panel you choose, be sure you understand how the coating is measured to that you optimize the durability and long-term corrosion resistance. The best options are the G90 Galvanized or AZ55 Galvalume panels, which have been compared in this article.

  • Panel Thickness: The 29-gauge panel is most commonly used for animal confinement, but as mentioned in this article on metal panel gauges, nominal 29-gauge panels come in a range of actual thicknesses. For best results, look for one that’s at least .015 inches thick.
  • Design: The design of animal confinement structures is important and can have major impacts on the viability of the building. Dropped ceilings with sophisticated ventilation systems are said to increase efficiency and satisfy environmental run-off inspections, therefore maximizing return on investment. These structures can also be designed to help eliminate ammonia fumes and corrosion- common occurrences in buildings with poor air flow.
  • Warranty: As with any purchase, it’s important to check the warranty exclusions when selecting any kind of panel for your projects. For instance, the warranty on a Galvalume panel may not apply when it’s subjected to animal waste or other corrosives. Again, good ventilation and regular maintenance will minimize the chance of problems.

For more information on ABC’s agricultural products, visit our website or contact your local representative today.

Cleaning Metal Panels Part 2: Quick Tips to Consider

In a recent blog post, we reviewed how regularly cleaning metal panels helps maintain their integrity and aesthetics. Now that you know the importance of this activity, we’re sharing some tips for cleaning metal panels to consider.

ABC Blog: Cleaning Metal Panels Part 2: Quick Tips to Consider


These tips for cleaning metal panels are based on general circumstances and get progressively more detailed for tougher jobs. They should not supersede and are not a replacement of the any metal panel manufacturer’s instructions or warranty requirements, including those provided by American Building Components.

Light Cleaning: 

For simple cleaning, water and mild detergent is often sufficient. However, never use bleach, as it can change the finish color or interact disastrously with certain metals.

Moderate Cleaning: 

For dirt or other deposits that can’t be removed with water alone and require a more complete cleaning, a solution of hot or cold water mixed with detergent is appropriate. An ideal solution is the mixture of 95 percent water with 5 percent of a mild, commonly-used, commercial (non-industrial, non-bleach) dish or laundry detergent added. Diluting the detergent with the water helps ensure the detergent isn’t too strong and doesn’t negatively affect the painted metal surface. Common cleaners for this type of cleaning can include:

  • Mild laundry detergent
  • Car wash soap
  • Mild dish soap
  • Cold or hot commercial/industrial detergents
Deep Cleaning:

For non-water-soluble residue such as tar, tree sap, grease, oil and adhesives, a solvent or alcohol-based cleaning solution may be required. In this case—since most organic solvents are flammable and/or toxic—handle these according to the cleaner and manufacturer instructions.

Generally, it’s advisable to keep them away from open flames, sparks and electrical motors. Use adequate ventilation, protective clothing and goggles, and—of course—read the manufacturer’s Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for any solvent used for any other specific safety details.

Common cleaners for this type of non-water-soluble cleaning often include:

  • Alcohols:
    • Denatured alcohol (ethanol)
    • Isopropyl (rubbing alcohol)
  • Solvents:
    • VM&P Naptha
    • Mineral Spirits
    • Kerosene
    • Turpentine (wood/gum spirits)


It’s important to avoid using products and tools not recommended by the panel manufacturer that will scrape or grind down the surface coating and leave scratches or other finish damage when cleaning metal panels. This can eventually wear down the finish and leave panels vulnerable to corrosion. Likewise, any misuse or abuse of acceptable cleaning agents will likely automatically void any manufacturer’s warranty for the affected surfaces.

Regardless of the level of cleaning that needs to be done, there are some products and tools that are likely never ideal for use on coated metal panels. These include:

  • Wire brushes
  • Abrasives
  • Steel wool
  • Sandpaper
  • High-pressure power washers
  • Scouring powders
  • Paint removers
  • Paint thinners

In conclusion, while the considerations above can help give you and your customers an idea of options available when cleaning metal panels, the importance of understanding and following the specific product manufacturer’s metal panel cleaning instructions can’t be overstated. As a result of diligently following all official instructions and considering these tips, your customers can avoid panel corrosion, staining or other surface damage and retain the integrity and beauty of the metal panel finish.

To learn more about metal panel cleaning, finishes and warranties, contact your local ABC representative.

Cleaning Metal Panels – Part 1: Why it Matters

Metal roof and wall panels often feature long-lasting and durable finishes available in many colors. These finishes protect the panels and enable them to hold up and look great for decades. However, to maintain their durability and protective properties, cleaning metal panels should be done regularly throughout their service life.

ABC Blog: Cleaning Metal Panels


Ensure Panel Longevity:

Dirt and residue left on metal panels can damage their protective coating and decrease the longevity of roof and/or wall systems. Likewise, bacteria and mold and mildew build-up can accelerate corrosion to the point where the structural integrity of the panels is compromised.

Protect Panel Appearance:

Stains and algae/lime deposits left on panels for long periods of time can degrade the roof finish to the point where it must be re-coated. Note: re-coating should only be considered if the panels are still structurally sound and doing so wouldn’t void the manufacturer warranty.

Control Energy Costs:

Dirty roof panels can inhibit a roof’s ability to expel heat from a building. If the heat isn’t able to escape through the roof, it can require increases in energy costs to keep the building cool.


An annual cleaning helps keep your metal panels free of tree and animal debris, moss, fungus and other finish-jeopardizing elements. Deep cleaning metal panels only typically needs to be done every 3-5 years, depending on the building conditions and location. This type of cleaning uses stronger detergents that cut through some of the toughest dirt and grime that annual cleans can miss. This includes substances such as tree sap, oxidation and other hard-to-remove substances that often collect on panel surfaces. You may also consider moderate cleaning following weather events and seasonal allergen build-up.


Above all, follow the panel manufacturer’s recommendations when it comes to selecting who will perform panel cleaning on your building. Before you attempt to clean your metal panels yourself, be sure the product manufacturer recommends it and doing so doesn’t void any warranties.

A professional building surface cleaning company can be helpful as working on top of buildings can pose real safety risks. Your metal panel manufacturer may be able to recommend cleaning professionals who are familiar with their products and warranty requirements, and are practiced in using the correct cleaning solutions and techniques necessary to preserve your metal panels.


Metal panel manufacturers usually provide maintenance and cleaning instructions specific to their products, which should always be followed. Manufacturers know the composition of their products and, therefore, which chemical cleaning solutions and techniques are ideal and which will degrade the panels. Neglecting to clean them—or doing so improperly—can compromise the integrity of the finish. Not only can this threaten the visual appeal of the panels, it can also put you at risk of voiding the panel warranty.

To learn more about the importance of cleaning metal panels, contact your local ABC representative or check out our blog post on metal panel maintenance.

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Roofing and Snow: Everything You Need to Know – Part Two

Additional considerations for working with metal panels in winter.

In part one of our series on metal roofing and snow, we covered five of the most important elements to consider when preparing structures for winter weather. In this post, we’ll review four more ways to prevent unexpected, costly damage of metal panels in winter.

  1. Consider roof material and surface color

Metal roofs absorb heat quickly and radiate it effectively. Darker panel colors can enhance this solar absorption effect, which can save you money year-round. But because UV light can pass through 3-5 inches of snow, when combined with heat loss through the roof, it becomes more difficult for snow to stay solid. To minimize the chance of ice damming, you should ensure your roof system is properly sealed and insulated. If not, ice damming may occur and the melting and re-freezing of snow throughout the day can result in icy layers that promote snow sliding—no matter the roof material or color.

  1. Review weathertightness factors

For low-sloped roofs (less than 3:12), it is especially important for panel seams to be watertight to prevent water (melted snow) from leaking into the structure. This can be problematic when snow gathers and stays on a roof. Architects, designers and specifiers, therefore, should consider using panels that have passed the ASTM 2140 water head test or FM 4471 Appendix G water test. Water-resistant underlayment should also be considered for all roof slopes.

ABC Blog: Roofing and Snow: Everything You Need to Know about Metal Panels in Winter - Part Two
A close-up of this dormer roof illustrates how the impact of sliding ice and snow can damage panel seams.
  1. Consider your roof layout

Design elements like valleys and slope changes cause snow to collect and increases your snow load. Also, when dormers extend from a large roof area and one area is significantly bigger than the other, the structure is susceptible to experiencing unbalanced sliding snow. This imbalance can actually tear open standing seams and displace panels. Also consider that drifting snow may accumulate behind HVAC units, at perimeter walls, and behind solar and photovoltaic (PV) panels.

  1. Ensure Proper Roof Maintenance

One of the best ways to prevent snow and ice issues is to regularly inspect and maintain your roof. In addition to cleaning and inspecting your roof for possible issues, properly removing standing snow and preventing ice dams is a vital part of avoiding damage to your metal panels in winter. This often requires that you get into your attic to inspect for air leaks—the leading cause of ice dams. Read more about how to properly maintain and remove snow from your roof in this blog post.

If an issue is discovered, consult your roofing material manufacturer for recommendations as well as advice on warranty claims. Additionally, you can reach out to a trusted roofing professional in your area. These professionals can thoroughly inspect your roof system to help you determine ways to rectify any potential issues. You’ll want to do this before damage and/or injury occurs and before you pay for sub-par or ineffective repairs.

If you missed part one of this series, click here for our top five considerations. These include managing snow load and sliding snow, preventing ice dams, using retention systems and more! For more information on how metal panels fare in winter weather conditions and for advice on how to winter-proof your roof, reach out to an ABC representative today.

Roofing and Snow: Everything You Need to Know – Part One

What to consider when designing and building in snow-prone areas.

While properly-designed metal roofs historically perform well in winter, heavy snowfall can be detrimental to buildings of all kinds. Those who live and work in and around them are also at risk when snow and ice cause dangerous situations. Even though winter doesn’t formally begin until late December, colder weather is upon us. And while you might not be expecting snow or ice yet, keep these roofing and snow tips in mind when designing, constructing and maintaining structures in areas where there’s a chance for snow and/or ice over the course of the year.

Considerations for Snow-Bearing Roofs:

  1. Anticipate Snow Load

Snow accumulates on every roof type, and as this happens, it increases the amount of weight your structure is bearing. This increased weight (snow load) can pose several threats to the structure and those in and around it. For example, when the weight of snow or ponded water from melted snow exceeds the structure’s limits, the roof or even the entire structure can collapse. Be sure you’re aware of the weight your structure can bear and remove snow to keep it within its limits. Consult the International Building Code (IBC) as well as state and local codes for guidance based on your location.

  1. Prevent Ice Dams

Most ice dams are the result of air barrier flaws in buildings. If warm indoor air escapes through the roof floor, it warms the roof sheathing and melts the underside of the layer of snow on top. This water then moves down the slope of the roof toward the eaves, where it freezes into ice. As this process continues, the ice gets thicker and thicker, resulting in ice dams. The presence of these dams allow water to back up and form a reservoir that can cause major damage.

To prevent ice dams, you should:

  • Seal all air leaks at the attic floor
  • Ensure proper insulation
  • Provide adequate attic ventilation

Another tip is to use a peel and stick membrane on the roof deck extending from the eave to about 3’ up-slope from the exterior wall. For more specific details on the ice dam prevention tips above, read our recent blog post.

  1. Prevent Sliding Snow

Gravity can cause accumulated snow to slide down the roof’s slope (shedding), potentially injuring people and damaging property below. Despite this, snow shedding must occur to keep the snow load from accumulating beyond the buildings structural limits. Balancing snow load and shedding is important and requires that you consider geographical and building material and roof design factors.

ABC Roofing and Snow Blog
Ice and snow sliding down the main roof has damaged the roof panels and the valley trim on this connector roof.

Roof slopes of 45 degrees (12:12) or more, can accelerate sliding snow with sometimes immense and dangerous consequences. For example, if snow accumulates and then falls onto an exterior gas line, pipes could rupture. From there, the smallest of ignition sources could set the structure ablaze. In addition, the weight of sliding snow can propel any icicles formed on eaves can be propelled down by the force and weight of sliding snow onto people and property below.

On slopes less than 45 degrees (6:12 to 9:12), low amounts of friction (like on smooth roof surfaces) means it offers less resistance to sliding. Striations and embossing on roofing materials like metal panels add a small 3D profile and improve the resistance to sliding, especially when they run traverse to the slope.

This can get complicated, but in general, installing metal panels with snow retention devices on a steeply-sloped roof is recommended. This approach will naturally shed snow and ice, and protect your structure from excessive snow loads. If you have a low-sloped roof, be sure it’s design supports snow as shedding won’t occur naturally. Including enough snow retention devices from ridge to eave is also imperative for this design.

  1. Use Retention Systems

A variety of retention options, such as snow fences, bars or guards, are designed to make snow and ice melt completely or fall from roofs in small amounts. This helps reduce risks associated with sudden rooftop avalanches while maintaining the clean lines of the roof. It is important that snow retention systems are carefully engineered and properly installed. Models like S-5!’s snow-retention device design resource allow you to input your roof dimensions and expected snow load to adequately engineer snow fence assemblies.

  1. Protect Roof Attachments
ABC Roofing and Snow Blog_Pipe Protection
This pipe penetration is protected from sliding ice and snow by a small section of S-5! ColorGuard to the panel seams immediately up-slope from the pipe.

The weight of sliding snow can be powerful enough to take off attachments like exhaust vents. To combat this, reduce the shear load by installing rigid vent pipes securely and as high up on the roof slope as possible. If this is not possible, protect the pipes with a snow retention system.

While metal roofing responds well to harsh winter weather, it is imperative to take the time to keep snow, ice and moisture from causing issues. No matter the roofing design or material used, keeping people and property safe from overhead dangers should be a priority when designing, installing and maintain your structure.

In part two of this roofing and snow series, we’ll review additional considerations. It contains tips on roof layout, color, weathertightness and maintenance, which also play important roles in winter weather protection.

For more information on roofing and snow like how metal panels fare in winter weather conditions and for advice on how to winter-proof your roof, reach out to an ABC representative today.

Metal Panel Color Selection—What to Consider

Choosing a metal panel color can feel daunting these days. With the number of available metal building colors having expanded from the usual white, tan and Galvalume to more than a couple of dozen options, where do you begin? What factors should influence your decision? Read on for recommendations on key questions to ask to help you make the best decision for both the desired aesthetic as well as longevity, durability and energy efficiency of your metal project.

What colors are metal products available in?

This is the most obvious consideration and can be answered with a simple search of the metal product manufacturer’s website. Authorized dealers also often have physical metal panel color charts,  samples or chips from metal product manufacturers for in-person review. While metal panel color options used to be limited to standard stock colors like white, tan and Galvalume, today, many manufacturers are able to offer many more color options outright as well as additional custom colors. These new metal panel color options now include metallic paints, as well as ones with metal flecks that add sheen and sparkle, giving the panel color more depth and durability.

How can I be sure I’m getting the exact metal panel color I think I’m getting?

Upon request, most metal panel manufacturers are more than happy to provide actual color chips so you can see the exact color in person. While the chips on color charts are a close facsimile, getting color chips from the plant is ideal to ensure a perfect match. Additionally, you can view images of completed projects on the manufacturer’s website as seen in ABC’s Project Gallery. This section not only shows you photos of real-life building projects using our metal products so you can see how colors look in different combination and on different building types, but it also provides details on the products and colors used with additional resources to help you make your selection.

In addition, ABC’s Color Visualizer helps you envision your actual project before you even order your metal panels. You can upload your own photo or choose from our sample project photos to pick your ideal panel type and color. While it’s useful to review the manufacturer’s website and color visualization for project images and ideas, keep in mind that colors may look a bit different on your computer than they do in real life.

ABC Metal Panel Color Resources

How to select the right color for optimal energy efficiency?

Cool metal roofs have been shown to be among the most sustainable and energy-efficient choices out there. They are designed to reflect more of the sun’s energy (and heat) back into the atmosphere to keep your building cooler and reduce your air-conditioning bills. (Read more about cool metal roofs in our blog post.)While lighter colors are generally the best option to optimize cooling effects, it should be stated that improved energy performance is a result of much more than just the roof’s color. The Cool Roof rating of paints and coating systems used by metal panel manufacturers are generally listed with the color choices on the manufacturer’s website. For detailed information, a great resource is the Cool Roof Rating Council, which maintains a products directory that lists solar reflectivity and thermal emissivity values for many roofing brands.

ABC offers the most sophisticated silicone polyester coating paint system in the industry. It offers optimum exterior protection and superior resistance to chemical corrosion and ultraviolet radiation, and most of our paint coatings are ENERGY STAR® qualified.

Can I paint over my metal panels?

If you’re considering painting your metal panels, trim or accessories, you should first check with the metal product manufacturer to ensure you won’t be voiding any warranties. You can also ask the manufacturer about touch-up paint and the correct way to apply it if small corrections need to be made. If you do decide to completely re-paint your panels, it’s best to get the panel manufacturer’s recommendation on the best paint and application products/methods to use to ensure you don’t damage the steel underneath the paint.

What if my paint isn’t performing the way I expect it to?

Most manufacturers offer a limited warranty on their paint systems. Before you buy, be sure you understand the limits of the warranty. If you think your situation warrants a claim, take pictures of the product and send them to the manufacturer to start the process. Do not attempt to correct or cover any issues as this will likely void your warranty. The manufacturer will likely send someone out to look at your material and will keep you informed throughout the process.

Armed with the right questions, resources and, hopefully, color charts and samples, choosing a color for your new metal roof can be an exciting part of the process. Your job is to take the time to review the options to make the most practical and aesthetically appropriate decision. ABC representatives are always ready with the resources and information you need, so feel free to contact one of our team members with your questions.

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Concealed v. Through-Fastened Metal Roof and Wall Panels: How to Choose

All metal panels—whether for commercial, residential, industrial or agricultural applications—are attached to the structure using either fasteners, clips or a combination of both that keep them in place. Vertical panels, in particular, are often categorized by the type of fastening method used to attach them, which is most often either using hidden/concealed fasteners or using an exposed (through-fastened) method. Here we’ll look at the benefits your customers can experience when using these common fastening types, as well as their differentiators, including price/budget, durability, aesthetics and ease of installation.

Concealed-Fastened Roofing Panels

Concealed-fastened panels are attached to the substrate with clips, which means the panels are not pierced to secure the connection. The clips and fasteners, therefore, are concealed underneath the metal panels when properly installed—arguably making the roof more aesthetically pleasing. These panels are offered in various styles, depending on which options your customers choose and additional job-specific considerations. This method is common in architectural and residential applications where a clean appearance and protection from environmental exposure are priorities.

Through-Fastened (Exposed) Roofing Panels

Through-fastened panels are generally attached with screws or nails, which puncture the overlapping roofing sections to lock the panels into place. They are also installed using washers, which provide leakage protection around the puncture hole. The fasteners are on the outside face of the panel and are visible even after the installation is complete.

So, how do your customers decide which option is right for their project? See below for some factors that can help them choose between a concealed- or through-fastened approach.

Key Considerations


Concealed: Typically, concealed-fastened panels can be more expensive overall due to the longer installation time required. In addition to increasing the labor cost, this installation method also takes longer, which affects your customer’s project schedule. However, ABC’s SL-16® panel can be installed faster and for about the same cost as exposed-fastened panel systems.

Through-fastened: While less expensive, through-fastened applications are more prone to issues. For example, if a washer fails, the screw can pop, which allows water in and can cause leaks and corrosion. While washer material is of a higher quality and more dependable than in the past, this is still a concern.


Concealed: Because concealed fasteners have limited weather exposure, they therefore generally have a longer lifespan than panels with exposed fasteners. Additionally, there is less wear and tear since concealed panel fasteners are not as affected by the metal panel expansion and contraction that occurs when temperatures fluctuate as exposed-fastened panels are.

Through-fastened: Because concealed fasteners have limited weather exposure, they generally have a longer lifespan than panels with exposed fasteners. Additionally, there is less wear and tear since concealed panel fasteners are not as affected by the metal panel expansion and contraction that occurs when temperatures fluctuate as exposed-fastened panels are.


Concealed: Aesthetically, the main question is whether your customers want the screws to be visible or if it’s important that they are hidden. A concealed-fastened application is considered more aesthetically pleasing, as the lack of visible fasteners, creating a smooth, clean appearance. Generally, residential and architectural buildings favor concealed-fastened roofing panels.

Through-fastened: As stated, the hundreds of fasteners required to secure panels are exposed and visible on the outside of the panels. This method is often used on agricultural and industrial buildings, as clean aesthetics are usually less important for customers in these markets.

Ease of Installation:

Concealed: Installing concealed-fastened metal panel systems is time-consuming and complicated as compared to through-fastened. In fact, the complexity of the process dissuades many DIY installers from taking on the task.

Through-fastened: Exposed-fastened metal panel systems require less installation time as each fastener is drilled directly onto the outside of the panels. This makes it the method of choice for the majority of DIY installers. Overall, this method works well with simple structures but can be difficult to use on more complex projects. It should also be noted that through-fastened panels should be installed with care so that there is proper sealing. There also may be length limitations due to thermal movement.


The type of fastener system your customers choose for a given metal panel project will depend on a wide array of factors—budget, durability, aesthetics and ease of installation. Making the right choice is one step in ensuring the success and integrity of their building for years to come.

For more information on ABC’s concealed and through-fastened metal panels, visit our website. As always, our team is ready to help with your metal panel needs, so reach out to your local representative today!

Proper Ventilation for Metal Roofs and Walls

Selecting metal roof and wall panels is a strategic investment for the life of a building. To protect their investment, it is key that your customers ensure the proper ventilation system is installed. Optimal air movement not only promotes temperature regulation and energy efficiency but also reduces the risk of moisture-related issues like condensation build-up. Here, we look at some of the main ventilation considerations and resources your customers need to ensure success.

ABC Blog: Proper Ventilation of Metal Roofs and Walls

Why is proper ventilation important?

Proper ventilation helps optimize the performance and efficiency of metal buildings by:

  1. Controlling condensation

Condensation can wreak havoc on metal, causing corrosion, reduced thermal performance of insulation, mold and mildew growth, and even insect infestations. For example, in warm and humid areas, outside air that enters a building without moving through a ventilation system can bring with it large amounts of humidity. This humid air can create an uncomfortable environment, accelerate panel weathering and increase the possibility of mold growth. This issue is worsened when the outside temperature falls below the inside temperature, creating a perfect breeding ground for condensation development.

  1. Regulating temperature

Regulating and maintaining ideal interior temperature can help cool the building in warmer months, keeping the structure comfortable to occupy. Temperature regulation also helps protect the integrity of the building from excess (and premature) metal panel expansion and contraction. This movement can weaken the integrity of fasteners, which are designed to keep panels from detaching/pulling away from the substrate.

  1. Preserving air quality inside the building

Proper ventilation helps remove volatile organic compounds and other air pollutants that are detrimental to human health and productivity. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) have published guidance on indoor air quality standards in commercial/institutional buildings. These standards help determine ventilation needs that need to be met to ensure compliance.

Who Needs Ventilation?

As expected, most structures require proper ventilation in accordance with their geographic location, contents and/or building end-use. Structures housing chemicals or moist substances require more ventilation than those storing dry goods in relatively arid environments. Ventilating a building that stores ceramic in the desert is very different than ventilating an indoor sauna in practically any geographic location. Agricultural facilities in particular must employ proper ventilation to mitigate the dangers posed by ammonia and other corrosive airborne fumes. (See our Animal Housing blog post for more.)

How to Ensure Proper Ventilation:

Similarly, the ideal amount and type of ventilation your customers need depends on their building’s unique specifications and end use. Generally, structures larger than 2,400 sq. ft. may require more than one type of ventilator to allow air to move between them (cross-ventilation). Structures that house people, animals and/or valuable material also benefit from cross-ventilation using ridge vents near the roof and a louver vent located closer to the structure’s floor. In these cases, it is recommended that your customers work with design professionals and building engineers who can help determine the building ventilation requirements. These professionals can recommend the appropriate, high-quality metal panels and components that suit the unique requirements of their project.

So, what ventilation options are available for your customers? Ventilation solutions fall into two main categories: natural (unpowered) and mechanical (electrically assisted):

  • Natural ventilation methods include installing a ridge and eave vents that enable air to circulate naturally through the building. Your customers can also use vents that capitalize on the natural vacuum created when air moves quickly over angled surfaces like roofs. The lower pressure in this vacuum draws air out of the building—most often through ridge vents. This choice will depend on your customer’s aesthetic preferences and/or installation location limitations.


  • Mechanical or power-assisted ventilation helps draw more cubic feet of air into and out of the space per minute. Powered fans with curved blades and/or louvers are often used to achieve greater air flow. As previously noted, air flow is vital in preventing condensation, so this is particularly helpful in naturally humid environments.


In conclusion, proper ventilation is a critical component of any high-quality building. As metal panels are becoming more popular, understanding how to achieve an effective ventilation system can help ensure the success of your customers’ building projects.

For more on ABC’s ventilation solutions, visit our previous blog on condensation management, check out our ventilation-enabling components or reach out to your local representative today!

Metal Roof Pitch Part II: Panel Selection for Your Building End-Use

In part one of our series on metal panel roof pitch, we looked at the engineering and strength considerations that need to be taken into account when designing or specifying a building. In part two, we’ll review how to make the right metal panel selection for your building end-use by looking at the building type and roof pitch to find the optimal combination of form and function.

Types of roof panels:

Different types of metal roof panels are better suited for certain roof pitches and this mostly has to do with panel rib height and how they’re seamed together. For instance, the lower the pitch, the taller the rib of the roof panel needs to be in order to optimize water carrying capacity. Also, the lower the pitch, the slower water runs off the roof; combined with wind pressure, this can hold water at the eave. As an example:

  • On 2:12 and lower pitches for commercial/industrial jobs, weathertightness warranties will use a mechanically seamed panel because it creates an impenetrable lock that keep water from seeping between the panels. Seamed panels can be thought of as more hydrostatic (resistant to water), whereas non-seamed panels are hydrokinetic, i.e., water runs off of them, but they are not designed to be a water barrier.

Building Type and Use:

Whether residential, post-frame or commercial, structures follow general design criteria regarding metal roof slope, based on to the building type and use. For instance:

Gabled v. Hipped: gabled roofs provide more interior headroom while with hipped roofs, endwall sheet height can be reduced, making for easier ordering and installation as you don’t have to cut/miter the sheets.

  • Residential v. Post-Frame and Commercial Use: While it can generally be assumed that thicker-gauge panels are stronger, the type of building construction, location and end-use can affect the choice in panel thickness. Residential roofs generally have steeper slopes (often due to aesthetic sensibilities), while commercial and post-frame buildings will typically have a shallower pitch to increase the strength of the building. Buildings such as pole barns, post-frame buildings, warehouses and garages can require roof panels to span longer distances between supporting trusses and purlins and therefore require thicker panels to ensure the roof is structurally sound and can aid in reducing the chance of collapse under the weight of snow and water—particularly when the roof pitch is low. For smaller buildings—like residences—with supporting trusses and purlins that are typically closer together, thinner panels can be used in conjunction with thicker trim for an economic, structurally ideal residential metal roofing system. See our blog on metal panel gauges for more.
  • Economics: When a roof has a shallower pitch, less material is needed to cover the same roof span. This can be more economical since fewer square feet of material needs to be purchased, or at least help in offsetting the cost of the thicker panels commonly used on low-slope roof—a consideration often important to companies with multiple properties. Likewise, while more material may need to be purchased for a high-sloped roof, you may be able to buy thinner, less expensive panels since high-slope roofs don’t typically need to be able to support heavier loads like low-slope roofs do.
  • Aesthetics: Traditional residences typically feature a higher roof pitch while this may be less important to commercial building owners. However—from a functional standpoint—thicker panels can be more forgiving of installation errors such as over-tightened screws and aren’t as likely to transfer waves and bumps in sheathing.

Solar Panels and Roof Pitch:

The geographic location of a structure will determine the angle at which the solar panels should be installed. Generally. the closer to the equator you get, the lower the slope the solar panels can tolerate as roofs closer to the equator have more consistent exposure to sunlight as compared to those farther away. If you plan to add solar panels to your metal roof, be sure to check the Solar Reflective Index (SRI) values and minimum slopes set by the ASTM and local governing codes. These standards will advise adequate slope based on your location as well as help control things such as heat island effects, etc.  For more information on solar reflectance and how it is affected by the color of your metal roof panels, see our blog post on cool metal roofs.


Roof slope is a factor that affects many decisions when it comes to any metal building roofing project regardless of the building’s end use. When embarking on any metal roofing project, be sure that the panels you’ve selected meet local building codes and are produced by a quality manufacturer with knowledge and experience designing for different applications to ensure you get exactly what you’re looking for. For more information on metal panel selection for your building end-use and to learn more about recommendations on roof slope for different building types, contact your local ABC representative today.

 Additional Resources:

For more information on slope requirements, visit NRCA’s website. For more information on steep-slope metal roofs and their benefits, visit the Metal Construction Association’s website.

Metal Roof Pitch Part I: Engineering and Strength Considerations

Whether you’re an owner who needs to consider roofing material options because of the nature or design of your building, or a distributor/contractor whose job it is to recognize whether a suggested design will or won’t work based on a range of circumstances, it is critical to understand the engineering behind why roof pitch and tensile strength are important on a metal building project. In part one of our series, we look at the engineering and strength considerations that need to be taken into account when designing or specifying a building, while part two will review the best type of metal panel to use based on the pitch and end-use of your building,

Engineering Considerations:

Ideally, your roof pitch will be the “sweet spot” between having a roof pitch that’s so shallow that the beared load is increased and having a roof pitch that’s so steep that wind uplift probability is increased—a factor which can also vary based on the building width. Specific engineering considerations with regard to roof slope include:

  • Snow Load Requirements: lower slopes create more load that the roof/structure must support. For example, when you have a flat roof and it snows, the snow will stay on the roof, adding more weight; on a sloped roof, a good amount of the snow will slide off of the roof, so the load will remain in an acceptable range the structure can support.
  • Wind Load: Preventing roof damage from high winds is largely dependent on roof geometry, slope and building material used. If outside air is allowed to penetrate a structure through cracks and other openings when wind flows over a building, the air pressure beneath the roof assembly increases. When this pressure becomes greater than the pressure directly above the roof (which happens as wind flows over a building), this can cause upward force on the roof system, leading to loss of structural integrity and significant damage. Wind uplift rating and minimum slope requirements are dictated by building codes in the market, so be sure to check with your local municipality for specific details.
  • Water Diversion: the steeper the pitch the faster it will channel and divert water, preventing it from pooling and causing other issue like mold, mildew and paint degradation. As with the snow load considerations mentioned above, the less additional weight burdening the roofing system, the better.
  • Minimizing Debris: steeper-sloped roofs also help minimize the chance that debris, mold and mildew have to build up on the roofing system. Unless there is a catastrophic weather event that drops large amounts of heavy debris—tree branches for example—there is a small chance that debris on a roof of any slope will exceed its ability to carry the load. However, because the more debris is able to slide down and off of a metal roof, the less that needs to be manually cleaned. Additionally, access to and cleaning the eaves of sloped roofs is much easier and less time-consuming that trying to perform the same maintenance on a roof with less slope.

The Strength of Metal Panels:

  • Tensile strength: This refers to the panel’s ability to resist breaking when it’s placed under pressure or tension—meaning the panel has a measured ability to bend under a certain amount of stress before it snaps. Galvanized steel panels can withstand between 50,000 and 80,000 pounds of pressure per square inch (50 KSI – 80 KSI)—significantly higher than the tensile strength of other roofing materials. Despite this, metal panels remain lighter and more impact resistant, keeping the likelihood and cost of repairs to a minimum. Check the tensile strength of your metal panels with the manufacturer and be sure to reference common testing standards related to roof slope, including ISO ratings and ASTM standards that test tensile strength.
  • Steel Hardness and Density: While it can generally be assumed that thicker-gauge panels are stronger, the type of building construction, location and end-use can affect the choice in panel thickness. Buildings such as pole barns, post-frame buildings, warehouses and garages can require roof panels to span longer distances and therefore require thicker panels as they are more structurally sound. These thicker panels will also aid in reducing the chance of collapse under the weight of snow and water—particularly when the roof pitch is low. For smaller buildings—like residences—with supporting trusses and purlins that are typically closer together, thinner panels can be used in conjunction with thicker trim for an economic, structurally ideal residential metal roofing system. See our blog on metal panel gauges for more.


Following common standards, doing adequate research and conforming to manufacturer guidelines regarding slope will ensure you’re reaping the full benefit of your metal roof panel selection. For more information on metal roofs and to learn more about recommendations on roof slope, contact your local ABC representative today.

Additional Resources:

For more information on slope requirements, visit NRCA’s website. For more information on steep-slope metal roofs and their benefits, visit the Metal Construction Association’s website.