Benefits of Metal Panels for Agricultural Buildings

Metal panels are ideal for agricultural buildings, including those that house livestock, such as cattle, hogs and poultry. They’re durable and offer flexibility in design so you can create an agricultural building that is functional and aesthetically pleasing. Read below to learn more about the benefits of choosing metal panels and special considerations for animal confinement.

Why do so many agricultural buildings use metal panels?

  • Durability: Metal panels are designed for durability. They can withstand high winds and heavy snowfall. They’re also hail resistant, featuring a class 4 rating. Unlike wood, metal panels are resistant to damage from termites and other insects. Metal is also noncombustible.
  • Longevity: Metal panels last three to four times longer—up to 60 years. Unlike corrugated fiberglass panels, metal doesn’t get brittle after years in the sun.
  • Cost Savings: Metal is a much more cost-effective material than wood because it doesn’t need to be replaced as often. The durable design of metal panels also saves money on maintenance.
  • Sustainability: Our metal panels are made from recycled materials. They’re also 100% recyclable at the end of your building’s life. Choose from a variety of cool roofing colors that are designed to reflect the sun’s heat instead of absorbing it into your agricultural building.
  • Ease of Installation: Metal panels can be cut to the nearest 1/4 of an inch for easy installation. Most panels offer three feet of coverage which is more time-efficient than pounding out shingles.
  • Design Flexibility: There are a variety of options to choose from when it comes to metal panels. We offer a broad selection of styles, profiles, colors and finishes.

The common panel profile used for this application is Imperial Rib® . It’s designed for durability with two minor ribs which give it strength. It’s also formed with a round top which pushes away moisture.

Metal Panels for Livestock Shelters

Animal confinement imposes specific challenges on panels that aren’t required considerations for residential or commercial uses.

When considering metal panels for a barn or other animal enclosure, here is what you should keep in mind.

What makes animal housing such a challenge?

Animal waste has high ammonia content that can start to corrode metal in as little as five years. With roofs, this corrosion is fueled by airborne fumes; on walls, the culprit is manure or dirt lying against the panels for extended periods. You can minimize both problems with good ventilation and regular maintenance, including keeping the panels clean and immediately repairing any damage.

Important Considerations

  • Panel Coatings: More people are opting for Galvalume panels for their livestock housing projects than ever before. And while Galvanized panels perform better than Galvalume in high-ammonia environments such as hog confinement, Galvanized panels are susceptible to white rust (chalking) if exposed to water prior to installation, which is not an issue with Galvalume panels.

For this reason, many are pairing Galvalume panels with a protective, self-adhesive moisture barrier like ABC’s Drip Stop product, which is applied to the panel’s interior before it is roll-formed. This membrane absorbs moisture when relative humidity (RH) is high, and then releases it back into the atmosphere when the RH falls, thereby preventing the damaging moisture from directly touching the panels. For hog or cattle barns, where dirt and manure tend to pile up against walls, another protective option is to install a polycarbonate panel on the inside of the metal wall panel to reduce contact, making the metal panels easier to keep clean.

No matter which panel you choose, be sure you understand how the coating is measured to that you optimize the durability and long-term corrosion resistance. The best options are the G90 Galvanized or AZ55 Galvalume panels, which have been compared in this article.

  • Panel Thickness: The 29-gauge panel is most commonly used for animal confinement, but as mentioned in this article on metal panel gauges, nominal 29-gauge panels come in a range of actual thicknesses. For best results, look for one that’s at least .015 inches thick.
  • Design: The design of animal confinement structures is important and can have major impacts on the viability of the building. Dropped ceilings with sophisticated ventilation systems are said to increase efficiency and satisfy environmental run-off inspections, therefore maximizing return on investment. These structures can also be designed to help eliminate ammonia fumes and corrosion- common occurrences in buildings with poor air flow.
  • Warranty: As with any purchase, it’s important to check the warranty exclusions when selecting any kind of panel for your projects. For instance, the warranty on a Galvalume panel may not apply when it’s subjected to animal waste or other corrosives. Again, good ventilation and regular maintenance will minimize the chance of problems.

For more information on ABC’s agricultural products, visit our website or contact your local representative today.

Cleaning Metal Panels Part 2: Quick Tips to Consider

In a recent blog post, we reviewed how regularly cleaning metal panels helps maintain their integrity and aesthetics. Now that you know the importance of this activity, we’re sharing some tips for cleaning metal panels to consider.

ABC Blog: Cleaning Metal Panels Part 2: Quick Tips to Consider


These tips for cleaning metal panels are based on general circumstances and get progressively more detailed for tougher jobs. They should not supersede and are not a replacement of the any metal panel manufacturer’s instructions or warranty requirements, including those provided by American Building Components.

Light Cleaning: 

For simple cleaning, water and mild detergent is often sufficient. However, never use bleach, as it can change the finish color or interact disastrously with certain metals.

Moderate Cleaning: 

For dirt or other deposits that can’t be removed with water alone and require a more complete cleaning, a solution of hot or cold water mixed with detergent is appropriate. An ideal solution is the mixture of 95 percent water with 5 percent of a mild, commonly-used, commercial (non-industrial, non-bleach) dish or laundry detergent added. Diluting the detergent with the water helps ensure the detergent isn’t too strong and doesn’t negatively affect the painted metal surface. Common cleaners for this type of cleaning can include:

  • Mild laundry detergent
  • Car wash soap
  • Mild dish soap
  • Cold or hot commercial/industrial detergents
Deep Cleaning:

For non-water-soluble residue such as tar, tree sap, grease, oil and adhesives, a solvent or alcohol-based cleaning solution may be required. In this case—since most organic solvents are flammable and/or toxic—handle these according to the cleaner and manufacturer instructions.

Generally, it’s advisable to keep them away from open flames, sparks and electrical motors. Use adequate ventilation, protective clothing and goggles, and—of course—read the manufacturer’s Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for any solvent used for any other specific safety details.

Common cleaners for this type of non-water-soluble cleaning often include:

  • Alcohols:
    • Denatured alcohol (ethanol)
    • Isopropyl (rubbing alcohol)
  • Solvents:
    • VM&P Naptha
    • Mineral Spirits
    • Kerosene
    • Turpentine (wood/gum spirits)


It’s important to avoid using products and tools not recommended by the panel manufacturer that will scrape or grind down the surface coating and leave scratches or other finish damage when cleaning metal panels. This can eventually wear down the finish and leave panels vulnerable to corrosion. Likewise, any misuse or abuse of acceptable cleaning agents will likely automatically void any manufacturer’s warranty for the affected surfaces.

Regardless of the level of cleaning that needs to be done, there are some products and tools that are likely never ideal for use on coated metal panels. These include:

  • Wire brushes
  • Abrasives
  • Steel wool
  • Sandpaper
  • High-pressure power washers
  • Scouring powders
  • Paint removers
  • Paint thinners

In conclusion, while the considerations above can help give you and your customers an idea of options available when cleaning metal panels, the importance of understanding and following the specific product manufacturer’s metal panel cleaning instructions can’t be overstated. As a result of diligently following all official instructions and considering these tips, your customers can avoid panel corrosion, staining or other surface damage and retain the integrity and beauty of the metal panel finish.

To learn more about metal panel cleaning, finishes and warranties, contact your local ABC representative.

Cleaning Metal Panels – Part 1: Why it Matters

Metal roof and wall panels often feature long-lasting and durable finishes available in many colors. These finishes protect the panels and enable them to hold up and look great for decades. However, to maintain their durability and protective properties, cleaning metal panels should be done regularly throughout their service life.

ABC Blog: Cleaning Metal Panels


Ensure Panel Longevity:

Dirt and residue left on metal panels can damage their protective coating and decrease the longevity of roof and/or wall systems. Likewise, bacteria and mold and mildew build-up can accelerate corrosion to the point where the structural integrity of the panels is compromised.

Protect Panel Appearance:

Stains and algae/lime deposits left on panels for long periods of time can degrade the roof finish to the point where it must be re-coated. Note: re-coating should only be considered if the panels are still structurally sound and doing so wouldn’t void the manufacturer warranty.

Control Energy Costs:

Dirty roof panels can inhibit a roof’s ability to expel heat from a building. If the heat isn’t able to escape through the roof, it can require increases in energy costs to keep the building cool.


An annual cleaning helps keep your metal panels free of tree and animal debris, moss, fungus and other finish-jeopardizing elements. Deep cleaning metal panels only typically needs to be done every 3-5 years, depending on the building conditions and location. This type of cleaning uses stronger detergents that cut through some of the toughest dirt and grime that annual cleans can miss. This includes substances such as tree sap, oxidation and other hard-to-remove substances that often collect on panel surfaces. You may also consider moderate cleaning following weather events and seasonal allergen build-up.


Above all, follow the panel manufacturer’s recommendations when it comes to selecting who will perform panel cleaning on your building. Before you attempt to clean your metal panels yourself, be sure the product manufacturer recommends it and doing so doesn’t void any warranties.

A professional building surface cleaning company can be helpful as working on top of buildings can pose real safety risks. Your metal panel manufacturer may be able to recommend cleaning professionals who are familiar with their products and warranty requirements, and are practiced in using the correct cleaning solutions and techniques necessary to preserve your metal panels.


Metal panel manufacturers usually provide maintenance and cleaning instructions specific to their products, which should always be followed. Manufacturers know the composition of their products and, therefore, which chemical cleaning solutions and techniques are ideal and which will degrade the panels. Neglecting to clean them—or doing so improperly—can compromise the integrity of the finish. Not only can this threaten the visual appeal of the panels, it can also put you at risk of voiding the panel warranty.

To learn more about the importance of cleaning metal panels, contact your local ABC representative or check out our blog post on metal panel maintenance.

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Metal Roofing and Hurricane Season Part 1: Securing the Roof

For customers who live and work in coastal areas, preparing for hurricane season is vital. This preparation helps mitigate the risks and damage tropical storms can cause to their homes and businesses. Most hurricane-preparedness tips include making a hurricane emergency kit, reviewing insurance policies and outlining family emergency and evacuation plans. While these are all important activities, there are few that focus on the impact roofing material can have on the safety and security of your customers and their property. In this two-part blog series, we’ll evaluate the performance of metal roofing in coastal areas and provide practical tips to help your customers protect their assets during storms.

First, we’ll review one of the most vulnerable parts of your customers’ structure: the roof. Roof cover damage accounts for most non-storm-surge-related insurance claims during a hurricane. Damage to this vital building element can be dangerous and devastating since even partial damage can leave the entire structure vulnerable to wind, water and other structure- and property-damaging elements. To help prevent these ill-effects, selecting a roof material that can stand up to tropical weather is essential.

Metal Roofing for Hurricane Season

Metal Roofing Performance in Coastal Communities

Metal roofing is made of interlocking panels that provide unique strength and durability. When properly installed, some can withstand abuse from hurricane-force winds up to 140-mph as well as wildfires, hailstorms and tornadoes. American Building Components (ABC) metal panels feature UL 580 Class 90 Wind Uplift Resistance, UL Class 4 Hail Impact Resistance and Class A Fire ratings to support this. Metal roofs also have fewer seams as compared to traditional asphalt shingle roofing. Fewer seams means fewer entry points for water that can soak attic insulation and cause ceiling collapse and other damage.

Many metal roofing panel profiles adhere to strict approval codes designed to prevent property loss and damage from high winds. One example is the Miami-Dade County Approval—one of the most stringent building codes in the industry. To help your customers meet these strict requirements, panels like ABC’s PBR and 5V Crimp profiles, as well as most insulated metal panels can be specified to qualify for Miami-Dade County-approval. To ensure your customers’ roof adheres to Miami-Dade standards, be sure that the panel meets guidelines for thickness and features a Miami-Dade approval sticker. Even if a Miami-Dade approved panel is used, if not installed properly using correct fasteners, it will not be effective. Remind your customers that the manufacturer’s installation instructions should provide all necessary details to ensure proper function and protection.

The True Savings of Metal Roofing

By choosing metal roofing, your customers can save money in the long run. Although other roofing options are cheaper up-front, customers who install metal panels benefit from their superior design and durability. This pays dividends in the form of lower maintenance costs and insurance premiums over the life of their metal roof. A properly-installed, thick-gauge metal roof can last up to 50 years. That’s more than double the lifespan of traditional asphalt shingle roofs many customers are familiar with.  In addition, some manufacturers back the durability and lifespan of their metal roofing products with industry-leading warranties that provide peace-of-mind.

For tips on how to prevent roof damage during hurricane season, read part two of our ‘Metal Roof and Hurricane Season’ blog series. For additional information on how to storm-proof your roof, reach out to your local ABC representative today.DISTRIBUTORS: Shop online at!

Metal Panel Color Selection—What to Consider

Choosing a metal panel color can feel daunting these days. With the number of available metal building colors having expanded from the usual white, tan and Galvalume to more than a couple of dozen options, where do you begin? What factors should influence your decision? Read on for recommendations on key questions to ask to help you make the best decision for both the desired aesthetic as well as longevity, durability and energy efficiency of your metal project.

What colors are metal products available in?

This is the most obvious consideration and can be answered with a simple search of the metal product manufacturer’s website. Authorized dealers also often have physical metal panel color charts,  samples or chips from metal product manufacturers for in-person review. While metal panel color options used to be limited to standard stock colors like white, tan and Galvalume, today, many manufacturers are able to offer many more color options outright as well as additional custom colors. These new metal panel color options now include metallic paints, as well as ones with metal flecks that add sheen and sparkle, giving the panel color more depth and durability.

How can I be sure I’m getting the exact metal panel color I think I’m getting?

Upon request, most metal panel manufacturers are more than happy to provide actual color chips so you can see the exact color in person. While the chips on color charts are a close facsimile, getting color chips from the plant is ideal to ensure a perfect match. Additionally, you can view images of completed projects on the manufacturer’s website as seen in ABC’s Project Gallery. This section not only shows you photos of real-life building projects using our metal products so you can see how colors look in different combination and on different building types, but it also provides details on the products and colors used with additional resources to help you make your selection.

In addition, ABC’s Color Visualizer helps you envision your actual project before you even order your metal panels. You can upload your own photo or choose from our sample project photos to pick your ideal panel type and color. While it’s useful to review the manufacturer’s website and color visualization for project images and ideas, keep in mind that colors may look a bit different on your computer than they do in real life.

ABC Metal Panel Color Resources

How to select the right color for optimal energy efficiency?

Cool metal roofs have been shown to be among the most sustainable and energy-efficient choices out there. They are designed to reflect more of the sun’s energy (and heat) back into the atmosphere to keep your building cooler and reduce your air-conditioning bills. (Read more about cool metal roofs in our blog post.)While lighter colors are generally the best option to optimize cooling effects, it should be stated that improved energy performance is a result of much more than just the roof’s color. The Cool Roof rating of paints and coating systems used by metal panel manufacturers are generally listed with the color choices on the manufacturer’s website. For detailed information, a great resource is the Cool Roof Rating Council, which maintains a products directory that lists solar reflectivity and thermal emissivity values for many roofing brands.

ABC offers the most sophisticated silicone polyester coating paint system in the industry. It offers optimum exterior protection and superior resistance to chemical corrosion and ultraviolet radiation, and most of our paint coatings are ENERGY STAR® qualified.

Can I paint over my metal panels?

If you’re considering painting your metal panels, trim or accessories, you should first check with the metal product manufacturer to ensure you won’t be voiding any warranties. You can also ask the manufacturer about touch-up paint and the correct way to apply it if small corrections need to be made. If you do decide to completely re-paint your panels, it’s best to get the panel manufacturer’s recommendation on the best paint and application products/methods to use to ensure you don’t damage the steel underneath the paint.

What if my paint isn’t performing the way I expect it to?

Most manufacturers offer a limited warranty on their paint systems. Before you buy, be sure you understand the limits of the warranty. If you think your situation warrants a claim, take pictures of the product and send them to the manufacturer to start the process. Do not attempt to correct or cover any issues as this will likely void your warranty. The manufacturer will likely send someone out to look at your material and will keep you informed throughout the process.

Armed with the right questions, resources and, hopefully, color charts and samples, choosing a color for your new metal roof can be an exciting part of the process. Your job is to take the time to review the options to make the most practical and aesthetically appropriate decision. ABC representatives are always ready with the resources and information you need, so feel free to contact one of our team members with your questions.

Metal Product Distributors: quote and order metal building products anytime, anywhere and from any device using our online ordering tool. If you don’t already have an account, register for access today!DISTRIBUTORS: Shop online at!

Metal Roof Pitch Part II: Panel Selection for Your Building End-Use

In part one of our series on metal panel roof pitch, we looked at the engineering and strength considerations that need to be taken into account when designing or specifying a building. In part two, we’ll review how to make the right metal panel selection for your building end-use by looking at the building type and roof pitch to find the optimal combination of form and function.

Types of roof panels:

Different types of metal roof panels are better suited for certain roof pitches and this mostly has to do with panel rib height and how they’re seamed together. For instance, the lower the pitch, the taller the rib of the roof panel needs to be in order to optimize water carrying capacity. Also, the lower the pitch, the slower water runs off the roof; combined with wind pressure, this can hold water at the eave. As an example:

  • On 2:12 and lower pitches for commercial/industrial jobs, weathertightness warranties will use a mechanically seamed panel because it creates an impenetrable lock that keep water from seeping between the panels. Seamed panels can be thought of as more hydrostatic (resistant to water), whereas non-seamed panels are hydrokinetic, i.e., water runs off of them, but they are not designed to be a water barrier.

Building Type and Use:

Whether residential, post-frame or commercial, structures follow general design criteria regarding metal roof slope, based on to the building type and use. For instance:

Gabled v. Hipped: gabled roofs provide more interior headroom while with hipped roofs, endwall sheet height can be reduced, making for easier ordering and installation as you don’t have to cut/miter the sheets.

  • Residential v. Post-Frame and Commercial Use: While it can generally be assumed that thicker-gauge panels are stronger, the type of building construction, location and end-use can affect the choice in panel thickness. Residential roofs generally have steeper slopes (often due to aesthetic sensibilities), while commercial and post-frame buildings will typically have a shallower pitch to increase the strength of the building. Buildings such as pole barns, post-frame buildings, warehouses and garages can require roof panels to span longer distances between supporting trusses and purlins and therefore require thicker panels to ensure the roof is structurally sound and can aid in reducing the chance of collapse under the weight of snow and water—particularly when the roof pitch is low. For smaller buildings—like residences—with supporting trusses and purlins that are typically closer together, thinner panels can be used in conjunction with thicker trim for an economic, structurally ideal residential metal roofing system. See our blog on metal panel gauges for more.
  • Economics: When a roof has a shallower pitch, less material is needed to cover the same roof span. This can be more economical since fewer square feet of material needs to be purchased, or at least help in offsetting the cost of the thicker panels commonly used on low-slope roof—a consideration often important to companies with multiple properties. Likewise, while more material may need to be purchased for a high-sloped roof, you may be able to buy thinner, less expensive panels since high-slope roofs don’t typically need to be able to support heavier loads like low-slope roofs do.
  • Aesthetics: Traditional residences typically feature a higher roof pitch while this may be less important to commercial building owners. However—from a functional standpoint—thicker panels can be more forgiving of installation errors such as over-tightened screws and aren’t as likely to transfer waves and bumps in sheathing.

Solar Panels and Roof Pitch:

The geographic location of a structure will determine the angle at which the solar panels should be installed. Generally. the closer to the equator you get, the lower the slope the solar panels can tolerate as roofs closer to the equator have more consistent exposure to sunlight as compared to those farther away. If you plan to add solar panels to your metal roof, be sure to check the Solar Reflective Index (SRI) values and minimum slopes set by the ASTM and local governing codes. These standards will advise adequate slope based on your location as well as help control things such as heat island effects, etc.  For more information on solar reflectance and how it is affected by the color of your metal roof panels, see our blog post on cool metal roofs.


Roof slope is a factor that affects many decisions when it comes to any metal building roofing project regardless of the building’s end use. When embarking on any metal roofing project, be sure that the panels you’ve selected meet local building codes and are produced by a quality manufacturer with knowledge and experience designing for different applications to ensure you get exactly what you’re looking for. For more information on metal panel selection for your building end-use and to learn more about recommendations on roof slope for different building types, contact your local ABC representative today.

 Additional Resources:

For more information on slope requirements, visit NRCA’s website. For more information on steep-slope metal roofs and their benefits, visit the Metal Construction Association’s website.

Preserve and Protect: Tips for Storing Metal Panels

The decision has been made to invest in metal roofing or siding for a project or business. Now it is incumbent upon job site professionals, business owners and/or contractors to ensure proper care is taken to preserve and protect the integrity and attractive appearance of your metal roof and wall panels from damage caused by moisture, corrosive chemicals or improper handling. To mitigate any potential issue, it is necessary to take a few simple precautions.


Material Receiving Checklist:

When the metal panels arrive, the first thing that should be done is to make sure the panels haven’t been damage while in transit. The metal panel manufacturer should have ensured that all materials were loaded and packed properly, so before anything is removed from the delivery truck, be sure to check that nothing looks damaged. If damage is found, the shipment carrier should be advised before they leave the delivery site and a notation should be made on the bill of lading. Every metal panel manufacturer will have specific instructions on how defects/damage should be notated and communicated to ensure proper and timely resolution of any issues. If there are no issues and everything looks good while on the truck, carefully unload the materials and check for the two most common issues: moisture and denting/bending:

  • Moisture: After unbundling, if there is moisture, the panels should be elevated, separated and dried in a secure are not exposed to wind or other elements.
  • Denting/Bending: If found, the carrier should be advised and the manufacturer should be made aware of the issue as quickly as possible. You should take inventory of the materials delivered as well as pictures of any damage a notation made on the bill of lading.
  • Additional Transit Abrasion: If found, the carrier should be advised and a notation made on the bill of lading. Take pictures of any damage as soon as you find it (don’t move the panels before taking pictures) and notify the manufacturer as soon as possible.

If you do have any issues with material, it is important to contact the material manufacturer or the place of purchase immediately to ensure the issue is addressed appropriately.

Protecting the Finish Before and During Installation:

On a jobsite, reasonable care should be taken when handling painted surfaces during unloading, unpacking, moving, handling and/or installation in order to protect the finish. Although the paint coating is tough and does provide impact resistance, dragging a panel across the surface of another panel will almost certainly mar the finish.

Storage Considerations:

Finally, when storing panels before sale, delivery to a buyer or jobsite, or while on the jobsite waiting for installation, you will want to take special care to store the panels in a proper manner to ensure the integrity of the material is protected. Here are some challenges, solutions and caveats for a number of common situations.

  • Prolonged Storage: This is NOT recommended when panels are bundled or in a damp environment. If conditions do not permit immediate erection, extra care must be taken to protect the material from damage caused by moisture. See the manufacturer’s installation manual for proper storage of materials as well as the section below for more details.
  • Bundled Sheets: Only store in a DRY place. Sheets should be unbanded and stood on end at a slight angle against an interior wall that is not exposed to wind in order to allow for good air circulation. If it is not possible to store sheets in an upright position, strapping bands should be broken and sheets should be blocked off the floor with one end slightly elevated.
  • Stacked Sheets: These should be completely protected from the elements while maintaining good airflow in order to prevent condensation.
  • Panel Coverings: A properly draped canvas tarpaulin that allows for adequate air flow is an example of a good protective cover. Do not use plastic as it causes sweating and condensation to occur.
  • Trim Storage: Do not store trim with strippable film in the sun for long periods of time as the ability to separate the film and its adhesive from the metal will become unmanageable.
  • Preventing Corrosion and Galvanic Reaction:
    • In order to prevent unwanted chemical reactions and corrosion, do not store the metal panels with materials made of dissimilar metals (lead, copper, etc.).
    • Strong acids (jet fuel exhaust, commercial cleaners/solvents, etc.) can degrade the finish and void the manufacturer’s warranty.


Preserve and Protect—and also Inspect. Keeping these common-sense actions and precautions in mind, there is no reason that the unique aesthetic qualities of metal panels should ever be compromised on a jobsite. For more information on metal roof and wall panels and to learn more about how to protect them throughout their lifespan, contact your local ABC representative today.

Metal Panels for Tiny Homes: Part 2

California Tiny Home



In the first article in our three-part series on tiny homes we presented an overview of the tiny home trend, including lifestyle considerations and cost benefits. In the second installment, we discussed how tiny homes are built with the same types of materials, construction and aesthetics you find in larger, traditional residences. Metal panels—a popular material choice for tiny homes—provide advantages such as affordability, mobility and customization. Some additional factors in choosing metal panels for tiny home construction are weather, installation and maintenance. Here we’ll take a look at these considerations in a bit more detail.

Weather Considerations:

While building tiny homes in mild climates can be pretty straightforward, there are many built in locations that must take specific weather conditions into consideration. Just as with traditional homes, tiny homes exposed to freezing temperatures need to be winterized to keep everything functioning, and can be heavily insulated, built with air-tight, double-paned windows and designed and oriented for optimum sun exposure to keep the heat in. For warmer climates and seasons, tiny homes designed to optimize air flow and fitted with adjustable shading to protect you from the sun’s heat can be an addition to more traditional temperature regulation methods, which should of course be properly installed and serviced.

When it comes to preparing for extreme weather, there are very few additional precautions to be taken in comparison with traditional single-family homes. One exception is that tiny homes should be built with hurricane ties and straps, earthquake tie-downs and other anchors to secure the structure. Building to codes specific to any area you would plan to take your tiny home is vital to ensuring it remains undamaged and you remain safe.

The Metal Panel Difference: Metal panels from American Building Components are designed and manufactured with several environmental considerations in mind. For areas prone to hurricanes and other tropical activity, ABC offers wind-tested metal panels built to withstand gusts of up to 140 miles per hour. This strength and durability is also important for those who plan to haul their tiny homes on highways at high speeds. If heavy snow and ice are common during your winters, the fast-shedding nature of metal panel makes them ideal. Eco-friendly insulated metal panels for roof and wall applications and cool metal roofs can also help regulate the temperature of your home and offer additional energy efficiency. Metal panels are also fire resistant (unlike thatched roofs, which are a fire hazard) and can withstand hailstorms and other extreme weather events. Your metal roofing manufacturer can provide advice based on your environmental needs.

Installation and Maintenance:

Understanding the maintenance requirements of any building material used to construct a tiny home is essential to maximizing the lifespan of the structure, safeguarding your investment and reducing any headaches that could arise from poor planning and inattention to the detail. It is, therefore, important that you fully understand the material you are using and that you follow the manufacturer’s installation and maintenance instructions, which should be made readily available to you. Also, be sure to read and understand any product warranties to ensure you know about any exclusions or requirements.

The Metal Panel Difference: One caveat with metal panels for tiny homes is the precision that installers (or DIY’ers) need to use in order to get the most value out of the material. While metal panels require a greater level of accuracy during the installation process, the benefits far outweigh the challenges. Resources on how to install and care for metal panels are abundant. In addition to referencing the manufacturer’s installation manuals, you can check out their how-to videos and lean on their customer service team for support and installer recommendations.

To extend the lifespan and strength of metal panels for tiny homes, maintenance consists mostly of preventing and correcting issues such as damage from the build-up of debris as well as storm-related traumas like hail stones, falling branches, etc. For specific maintenance tips, check out our recent blog on metal panel maintenance.

The last word

The benefits metal panels offer make their use for tiny home building a no-brainer. While homes made from other materials lose value over time, metal roofs provide long-term performance and environmental benefits, cost efficiencies and extended durability for the tiny home community. For more information on ABC’s metal panels, visit our website or contact a representative today.

A Big Idea: An Introduction to Tiny Homes

Tiny homes are more than just a passing trend popularized by television shows, opinion editorials and blogs; they are a movement born out of a growing need and desire of homeowners to downsize, customize and simplify—all the while maintaining maximum function and style. Tiny homes, in fact, offer their residents big living opportunities through their inherent cost savings and mobility, which has resulted in Tiny Home Communities popping up across the country and even around the world. But what exactly is a tiny home and why are more and more people bucking tradition to live in them?

What is a Tiny Home?

While there is no hard and set rule about what constitutes a tiny house. They are—in short—residential structures that typically measure between 100 and 400 sq./ft.; the standard newly purchased U.S. single family home takes up nearly 2,100 sq./ft.1 These homes feature the same types of materials, construction and aesthetics you find in their larger, more permanent counterparts.

Can you really live in a Tiny Home?

Tiny homes certainly aren’t for everyone. If you have a large or growing family, or just enjoy having tons of space in which to live and entertain, you’re probably better off sticking with the traditionally-sized home. However, if you’re looking for a more affordable option, need a guest house, or are looking for a low-cost vacation home, tiny homes might be a great fit for you. In addition to being used as full-time residences, tiny homes are also used as short-term rental properties, and to house the homeless and those displaced as a result of destructive weather events.

Many of the concerns people have about living in a tiny home center around their need to have room for all of the things they possess: furniture, clothes, entertainment, knick-knacks, etc. It is true that those who choose to live in a tiny home shed many of their material possessions for a simpler, more minimalistic lifestyle. However, tiny homes can also be custom-built to feature loads of strategically-designed storage space to suit your lifestyle. You also don’t have to give up modern conveniences when living in a tiny home. These smaller spaces make use of generally unused or underutilized spaces to house full-size washer and dryer units, refrigerators, ovens and showers, as well as queen-size beds and fireplaces.

California Tiny Home

Cost Advantages of a Tiny Home: Affordability

The average cost to build a tiny house is $23,000 if built by the owner as compared to the $272,000 average cost for a standard-size house before interest2. In a time when a staggering 46 percent of Americans would either have to borrow money or sell something in order to cover a $400 emergency expense (as reported by the Federal Reserve Board in a recent survey), this in an attractive idea. Additionally, considering the slow-growing economy has done little to increase wages, it’s not surprising that spending one third or even one half of their monthly income on living expenses has left approximately 75 percent of American workers across a range of education and income levels living paycheck to paycheck. This includes nine percent of people earning $100,000 or more per year who feel they usually or always struggle to make ends meet (Harris Poll).

The Metal Panel Difference: While metal can—in some cases—be more expensive that more traditional building materials when initially purchased, their value is long-term in the form of increased durability, wind-resistance, fewer maintenance requirements, cost-saving energy efficiency, and inherent strength and structural integrity. In fact, over a metal roof’s lifespan (about 60 years), traditional shingles can cost just as much, if not more.3 Read more about the long-term value of metal panels here.

So while some buyers may be aiming to minimize their carbon footprint and live more simplistically, many people are looking to realize the economic benefits tiny homes offer. For them, the long-term durability and overall debt reduction thanks to lower purchase prices and taxes, reduced energy and maintenance costs, and more time living mortgage-free is driving them down this here-to-fore unusual path.

Want More Information on Tiny Homes?

In the next two blog articles in our Tiny Home series, we go into more detail about the advantages of metal panels for tiny homes. Metal Panels for Tiny Homes Part 1 will discuss mobility and customization; Part 2 will provide practical guidance on weather considerations, installation and maintenance.

For more information on metal panels for Tiny Homes, visit our website or contact your local sales representative.



  1. t
  2. gov
  3. org/barndominium/


A Simple Solution to Metal Panel Condensation

If you’ve ever gone outside before sunrise, you’ve likely noticed dew on the grass or on your car windows. This is condensation. While we may have learned the basics of this naturally occurring phenomenon in science class, we may need a quick refresher.

Condensation occurs when there’s more water vapor (the invisible, gaseous phase of water) than the air can hold. When the water vapor is cooled off or compressed to its saturation limit—at which point the vapor’s molecular density reaches its maximum threshold—it turns into liquid. Warm air can hold more moisture, but as it cools it reaches its saturation limit and water droplets form. While not a problem on the grass or your car (once you wipe the water away), condensation on metal panels CAN be a problem for your customers. The good news is there’s a simple solution.

ABC Drip Stop for metal panel condensationWhat causes condensation on metal panels?

When temperature and humidity conditions reach dew point, moisture can condense on the underside of metal roofing and potentially cause water damage to the inside of your customer’s building. Those drips from ceilings and surface moisture occur when warm air comes in contact with the cooler roofline or walls.

High interior humidity—a common cause of condensation in metal buildings—can result from heating and air conditioning systems, how the building is used, gas-fired heating components, improper construction techniques or even human respiration, as these all give off moisture vapor.

Effects of condensation on different types of panels:

If there is an abundance of condensation, water droplets will form and can cause damage. In metal buildings, there are a few possible consequences of trapped moisture in wall and roof systems:

  • Corrosion of metal components, even on surface-treated metal: When exposed to moisture, metal components can oxidize and weaken, decreasing the life of your customer’s building.
  • Degradation/ reduced effectiveness of the thermal performance of insulation
  • Mold or mildew growth, which can cause unpleasant odors and increase health risks, particularly for those with allergies or asthma
  • Insect infestations

Note: The probability of significant problems will depend on the location and usage of your customer’s building.

Controlling Condensation: What is the Solution?.

Traditionally, condensation is managed by insulating the metal roof so that the panel temperature never reaches the dew point. This is often accomplished using vinyl-backed fiberglass insulation to prevent humid air from coming into contact with the cooler metal roof (which may be at or below the dew point). If your customers are heating or cooling their building, adding insulation is certainly worth consideration. If they aren’t, there is another option to consider besides the installation of vinyl-backed insulation.

Your customers can consider installing Drip Stop, a patented condensation control membrane, to prevent damage from moisture. Drip Stop (manufactured by ABC) is a felt-like material with a rubber backer that can be applied to the back side of metal panels. The material literally traps and holds the moisture resulting from condensation. When conditions change, the ambient air temperature usually rises, thereby raising the dew point. The moisture is then released from the Drip Stop material back into the air in the form of normal humidity. Drip Stop can be applied to the back of metal coils (either Galvalume® Plus or painted) and then the metal can be roll-formed onto panels.

ABC Drip Stop for metal panel condensation

What are the benefits of this alternative condensation control method?

Drip Stop offers several advantages for your customers:

  • Durability: Drip Stop is a very tough, light gray anti-condensation felt that is not susceptible to ripping, tearing or deterioration unlike standard insulation and vapor barriers.
  • Low Maintenance: Drip Stop resists dirt and grime, is antimicrobial and is very easy to clean with a hose or pressure washer.
  • Corrosion Protection: The rubber backer on the material helps protect the back side of the panel from corrosion (although there is no protection at the panel’s cut edges).
  • Easy to Handle: There is no need to roll a vapor barrier over purlins and then seal with tape, which can reduce labor hours and cost. Additionally, the use of Drip Stop is not hindered by windy conditions.
  • Safety and Insurance: The material is approved for smoke generation and flame spread per UL® 723 for insurance specifications.
  • Acoustic Benefits: Drip Stop helps dampen sound from either inside or outside the building.
  • Versatility: Drip Stop is approved for use in residences, warehouses, industrial plants, sports arenas, schools, storage buildings, garages, animal confinement facilities and more.
  • Cost-Savings: Drip Stop is up to 25 percent less expensive as compared to traditional solutions.
  • Warranty-Backed: Drip Stop features a 20-year adhesion warranty to ensure longevity.

The Bottom Line:

There’s no need for the damaging effects of condensation to put a damper on your customer’s metal building project. With a simple solution like Drip Stop, you customers can protect their assets and prevent costly and time-consuming repairs.

For more information on Drip Stop and how it can be applied to ABC’s PBR, Imperial Rib® and Retro-R® panels, visit our website or contact your local sales representative.